Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meme game ... I was tagged by Berta

I was tagged by Berta for a meme game. It was my first time to know about it.Based the word on a shortening of the Greek "mimeme", Richard Dawkins coined the term meme, which first came into popular use with the publication of his book The Selfish Gene in 1976.In the blogshphere, "Meme is a term used to describe a question or series of questions that a blogger asks another. Usually, a blogger “tags” several others to respond."Larry Ferlazzo.
Here I go:
What was I doing 10 years ago?
I lived all my life in Khartoum, Sudan, if you excluded the beautiful 4 years in Cairo. I was happier, lighter, more secured, easy life, fewer burdens and I weighed less.
5 things you have to do today:
Answer the mem, submit my annual vacation to our Dean; write mid term exams for semester 2&4, post about my students latest projects, take my kids to their aunt's house to play with PSP.
Snacks I enjoy…Tasali. Watermelon seeds, dried, washed and fried without any oil, with salt added at the end.
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I guess I will take much time to think about this when I HAVE it!!
I will quit my job , devote my time to charity work fighting everything poor in Africa; education, health and poverty.
Three of my bad habits:
I agree with Berta when she wrote" leaving certain things to the last minute because I think I work well under pressure", ( same here Berta!) ; not drinking enough water in spite of the heat here and looking for perfection in everything I do.
5 places I have lived:
No, only two places.; Cairo, Egypt, where I studied for four years to get my B.A, and Sudan.
5 jobs I have had:
A secretary at a company in Cairo was the first job I have ever had. A secretary for an ambassador at one of the embassies here in Khartoum, an office administrator at UNICEF, teacher assistant at Khartoum unvieristiy and a Lecturer at different universities in Khartoum.

6 people I want to know more about:

Cris, Teresa, Carla,Vance,Susan Marandi.Sorry guys! I know you are so busy, so please feel free not to play the game!


Illya said...

Hi Hala
It's so interesting to find out things about people whose names we encounter regularly. We haven't really had much contact, but I always find what you have to say full of insight. Thank you for sharing :-)

Berta said...

Hi Hala, thanks for accepting my tag.
I am glad we have certain things in common, as you mentioned and I enjoyed learning a bit more about your past and present life. I hope to try tasali one day. I love seeds in general and peanuts even more ;-)
I hope you had enough time to do all the things you mentioned the day you wrote the meme answers.
Will you ever be at a tesol convention in the States. I will try to attend next year and hope to meet you someday.

All the best, cheers,

Berta said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, Hala, that I am not in Toronto anymore. I was there in 2006-2007 for my sabbatical year at OISE, University of Toronto. My daughter lives there and that was one of the reasons I decided to spend a year in Canada.
I am a Venezuelan EFL teacher, like other Webheads such as Daf, Evelyn, Nahir and Doris. As a matter of fact, I work with Daf in the same university in Caracas and belong to the same academic unit, our language department.

Like you, I am also participating in the Sisterclasses and the Writingmatrix at the moment. My students are in the engineering and computer science areas as well.

Many greetings from this side of the world,